ちょっと前に、Skypeよりイイ!ということで話題になった通信アプリ「Viber」。何度やってもアクセスコードというやつが送られてこず諦めておった。今日ふと試してみると右上に「No code?」ってボタンが登場。
押すとブラウザが立ち上がる。「Get Code」ボタンを押してみると…
This is a member of the Viber Development Team!
Excuse me, my Japanese is not so good, so I will write in English 🙂
Thank you for your review of Viber. we are very happy that so many people worldwide are interested in our application.
I would just like to add that Viber will be available for Android in March.
Also – Viber will have an SMS service at the end of this month. Of course, also for free!
If you have any question about Viber – please feel free to ask.
Thank you,
the Viber Team.
Hi, Thanks for your comment directly.
I got ‘access code’ successfully last night.
A sudden calling was surprised, but good idea 🙂
WOW Android Viber in March!!! It’s also nice news.
I’m expected that Viber will change the world communication.